Individualized Instruction & Tutoring
Both tutors and instructors are a valuable asset in developing a quality educational experience for every individual. It is vital to understand the difference in each one’s role to ensure the best design for the future learning process.
Individualized Instruction
The role of an individualized instructor is to provide primary academic delivery of the curriculum as it is focused on a specific content area.
The role of a tutor is to provide primary academic support of curriculum by providing alternative strategies to understanding material being presented.
When do you need a Tutor?
An individual needs a tutor when he/she is facing a variation of scenarios:
*Struggling to understand the concepts presented by current instructor
*Failing grades in an academic setting that could be categorized as a pattern
*Preparing for an important upcoming assessment or evaluation
*Instructor sends home notes communicating that a student is struggling to successfully complete academic content or is avoiding completing school work
50 minutes
Cost: $50.00
When do you need an Individualized Instructor?
An individual needs an Individualized Instructor when he/she is facing a variation of scenarios:
*Desiring to be taught a specific content area outside the context of a traditional school setting
*Failing grades in an academic setting that could be categorized as an extreme pattern
*Needing an alternative approach to a content area either to provide remediation or to provide advanced instruction in a given content area
60 minutes
Cost: $60.00
These are some of the most common circumstances faced by individuals, but this is not an exhaustive list.