Home Schooling: Learning Communities
What Does This Learning Look Like?
Centralized Curriculum
The Humanities (study of human history) are not only necessary to understand all other learning, but breaths life into it. The Humanities can include ancient/modern languages, literature, law, history, philosophy, religion, and visual/performing arts. Learning Communities are a place where these ideas can be introduced, explored, and discussed. Our hope is that this arena inspires learning in a new way.
Organizational Structure
Students meet together for six hours each week on three different days. There are no more than six students in each community, grouped by age and/or interest. Together, the students and their mentor will explore the Humanities. A Learning Community’s typical weekly organization is as follows:
DAY ONE: "Discovery Through Discussion"
Great Books… Great Conversations
Discussion of pre-assigned reading--What do you bring to the table? Students will offer thoughts, explore literary technique, expand themes, etc. Readings could include:
- Literature– poetry, music lyrics, short stories
- Book group– a group reading of a novel of choice with literary analysis
- Essays– on scientific topics, law, history, sports, culture, the Arts, etc.
- Selected movies/movie clips- What are movies teaching us? How do they reflect the culture? How do we analyze effectively?
Art History
From the classics to contemporary modern art: Why do artists create? What does it lend to culture? This study will lend itself to visits to local museums, theaters, galleries, etc.
FLVS Group Discussion
Many students will take some of the same classes through their Florida Virtual School curriculum. This is a time that students can bring what they are learning to the group, ask questions, and apply it to that which is learned in the group.
DAY TWO: “Self-Discovery Through Discussion and Creation”
Self-Discovery Activities
Personality testing/studies, psychology, sociology, anthropology, religion.
Reading and Self-Reflection Inspires Writing
This time will be spent combining the discussions from day one and the self-discovery activities into production.
- Creation in writing, art, and/or research– putting this together for the purpose of production--perhaps a group blog or newsletter
- Writer’s Workshop- An ongoing project of regular, disciplined writing
DAY THREE: “Discovery Through Creation”
Collaborative Project
Students will design a project together with a given theme. The theme, which will take the form of ideas, will change each quarter. Students will be expected to combine all assigned and discussed learning (see day one & two).
Final Production
This is expected to be creative. It can take the form of, but is not limited to:
- Documentary film
- Full length research paper
- Drama production
Projects will be presented to parents, guests, and mentors at the end of each quarter.
Learning Community
Cost: $3995.00 |
